Signature Crystalline Attunement
You're the one who always gives your energy,
let's give some back to you.
let's give some back to you.
Available virtually
I am ready to choose me!
Book Below:
An empath can be defined as: someone who is very emotionally sensitive. Someone who feels other people’s or being’s emotions, thoughts, or physical sensations. Someone who takes on the energies of others.
All in all: a beautiful soul who deserves to be nurtured as much as they nurture others.
In the spiritual community, many of us are empaths and struggle with our boundaries. So what occurs? We get exhausted and drained! It’s normal, it happens, but how do we take our power back?
If you identify as an empath, then that means that you are probably holding on to a lot of other people’s energy that’s making you sick, lethargic and unmotivated.
I have created my Signature Crystalline Attunement, which helps with just that issue!
Think about how much you pick up energetically in one day–arguments with family members, watching the news, scrolling social media, having a tough meeting with a boss…
Energetic hygiene is the practice of tending to your energy field. Just as you take care of your physical body, it is important to have routines and rituals to also take care of your energetic body. Energetic hygiene involves practices that help you clear away negative and chaotic energy, protect yourself from harmful energy, and promote a positive energy flow.
One such practice is by receiving reiki via an energy healing session.
If you are feeling overwhelmed, stressed, or in a funk, try out reiki-based energy hygiene through the signature crystalline attunement and help to revamp your energy field.
You may be surprised at how much better you feel!
Reiki means “universal energy” in Japanese. This is a specific modality where every reiki master (Alden included) has a direct lineage of training to Master Usui who developed this healing modality in the 1800s. Reiki works in person or via distance healing. Some even argue it is more potent via distance! The Reiki Master has a larger bandwidth for channeling this universal energy.
Reiki healers use symbols and methods for sending this energy to their client’s auric fields to support their overall health and wellbeing. Reiki healing is one of the many traditions of “laying on of hands” healing. It supports integration of vitality into your energetic system, as well as a feeling of safety for your nervous system.
90 minutes of uninterrupted attention on your spiritual and physical body
Channeled reiki from a reiki master
Individualized, intuitively selected crystal gridding based on your needs from an Advanced Crystal Master
Intuitive Messages from your guides, ancestors, angels, animal allies, and whoever else in your spirit team comes through Alden
Work on realigning and cleansing Every. Single. One. of your chakras.
Smoke cleansing and an intention candle with a circle of safety set around the session
Sound and vibrational healing is utilized intuitively throughout the session–with crystal singing bowls, chanting, drums, bells, and toning.
Uniquely channeled Light code & light language transmissions
Light weaving through your auric field
Channeled Blue Light Galactic Starseed Energy for the highest good of all
As soon as you book, expect to receive an email from Alden guiding you on how to prepare from your session.
We will start and end this session with chat to address any of your questions prior to the session or to process what you experienced.
Alden taps into your unique energy field and works with your personal energetic signature to bring you the best healing session possible.
33 day follow up - I don’t just heal you and then ditch you!
Recording of the session to come back to if you would like to continue to integrate the healing.
Images of your unique energetically-charged crystal grid (valued at $55)
Personalized follow up and after care from Alden in an email that includes any additional resource recommendations. (This can include crystal recommendations, meditations, group healings, and action steps to take post-session.) (Valued at ($150)
Discounts on more opportunities to work with Alden’s Energy Healing post-session! (endless value!)
Struggling with burnout
Looking for spiritual and energetic support
Looking for a space to go deeper into your spiritual journey and to lean more into your spiritual body.
Wanting to reset & release
Wanting to be to be a human being instead of a human doing
Ready to step into your feminine energy of receiving
People pleasing (or a recovering people pleaser! –Alden will raise her hand in that group)
A highly sensitive person and/or empathic
A Spiritual Healers or a lightworker who is looking for space to be held for you (healers need healing too!)
Not having strong boundaries with others
Not practicing consistent energetic hygiene
Lacking authentic self love
Not taking time to fill up your own cup
Incorporating energy healing with reiki and my signature crysalline attunements on myself has helped me feel emotionally regulated, have mental clarity, and be more balanced.
Have got their glow back
feel lighter
Think more clearly
More energetically expansive
Have much more energy
Feel soothed and restored
Feel Like they took a 100 year nap
Are energetically Cleaner
See clearer
Have more easeful communication
Feel in control without feeling controlling
I hope you can now see why taking the time to receive a Signature Crystalline Attunement with Alden’s Energy Healing is so important to your energetic healing.
Not at all! Alden will have a whole set up where you can see her studio, her working , as well as your crystal grid. Some people keep their cameras off for the entire session and use only audio.
Alden supports whatever feels safest and most comfortable to you!
You are also welcome to keep your camera on and stay engaged if that is more enjoyable for you.
It happens all the time! Energy healing promotes an alpha brainwave state, which is a state of deep relaxation and often leads to sleep.
Your subconscious will pick up on whatever messages were meant to be received by you in the session.
Plus, if you choose to receive a recording of the session, you can always listen back to it later to retain more of the information on a conscious level. Also, sometimes the information that comes through the healing would be too “much” for us to cognitively process, so our guides just knock us out so that our overthinking minds don’t get in the way. Whatever is meant to happen will happen.
You don’t need any crystals of your own to receive a crystal healing.
Alden uses the crystals on a proxy board in her space and she sends the crystalline energy to you along with reiki and blue light energy. If you have crystals, you're welcome to keep them by you during the session, but they are not needed on your end by any means!
Alden must admit, this almost never happens. Energy and crystal healing works just as well—if not better!—through distance healings. If you're open to receiving, you will probably feel something. And if you are open to receiving and don’t feel anything, that is totally okay!
Reiki works through space and time, so whether you feel it or not, you will be getting the benefits of it. The session includes so many other things, like intuitive transmissions, messages from your spirit guides, and sound healing–so you will be getting a relaxing, spiritual experience whether you “feel” anything or not! That being said, these sensations show up differently for different clients.
Alden has had clients share that they feel like they are floating, feel warm, get tingly, feel cold, feel very heavy and grounded, feel a weight in their palms, and more. Usually the sensations are pleasant, relaxing, and have a positive long term effect.
Light weaving is adjacent to reiki, where the practitioner weaves light intuitively through your auric field in sections where they feel you need it the most.
For example, if your healer senses that you are having trouble speaking your truth or a block in your throat like you have thyroid issues, they may weave light into your throat chakra specifically to really help support and bolster this area energetically for you.
Light codes are energetic frequencies, symbols, or patterns that can carry transformative information and assist in spiritual growth.
They are said to activate dormant potential, elevate consciousness, and connect you with higher realms of existence.
Light language is a form of communication that is said to originate from the higher realms. It is a multidimensional language used to transmit healing intentions and energies. Alden believes that light language is the original language of the human experience and that all other earthly languages are derived from it.
The light language Alden’s Energy Healing works with and channels is specifically galactic in nature. Light language is always benevolent and for the highest good of all who receive it.
Alden’s Energy Healing first started using light language in her healing practice when her spirit dog passed away and he gifted her working with Sirian Starseed blue light energy as well as galactic light language to use in her healing practice. This is what she channels and tones in her sessions.
Light language can be used to heal physical, emotional, and spiritual wounds. It is said to work by clearing away negative energy and blockages, and by activating the body's natural healing mechanisms.
Alden is a hereditary intuitive and got into this work due to her own battles with chronic illness and reproductive health issues. Very often, a reiki session and connecting to her spiritual and energetic hygiene practices were the only things that made her feel better.
She serves the collective with energy healings, crystal knowledge, meditations, reiki, and intuitive downloads. She loves to help other people on their spiritual paths. It also brings her great joy to watch how her energy healing sessions help rejuvenate, give nervous system support to, and uplift her clients – and so create a healing ripple effect in the world.
She is a mystic witch, Sirian Starseed, Advanced Crystal Master, Reiki Master, and uses her experience as a professional singer in her healing work. She trained for her certifications with Hibiscus Moon, Katt Lowe, and Lune Innate.