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Transform Your Energy.
Transform Your Life.

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Are you tired of feeling stuck, misaligned, or overwhelmed by the demands of daily life? Do you long for a deeper connection to your inner self and the world around you?

If so, you're in the right place.

welcome to

The Ultimate Guide to Energetic Hygiene

a transformational journey led by Alden,

a certified Reiki Master, Advanced Crystal Master, and hereditary intuitive and mystic witch. Known affectionately as the "Crystal Goddess," a "Badass Warrior," and the "Fierce, Curvy Girl Next Door," Alden is here to guide you on a profound exploration of your energy body.


Energetic Hygiene

is the KEY for your Personal Development and Transformation

Imagine a world…
where you are able to sleep soundly every single night. 

Imagine a world…
where you feel like you are fully equipped with all the tools necessary to handle whatever curve ball life throws at you. 

Imagine a world…
where you aren’t riddled with anxiety at every corner and peace lives at the center of your day to day routine. 

keeping your auric field clean and clear on a regular basis is key to making the world you dream of a reality.

What is an auric field, you might ask?

Your auric field is an electromagnetic field of energy that surrounds your physical body. All living beings and electrical entities have one. Imagine a luminous, invisible cocoon that surrounds your physical body, pulsating with vibrant colors and textures. This is your auric field, your unique energetic signature. It's a complex, ever-shifting tapestry that reflects your thoughts, emotions, and overall well-being.

But here's the thing: just like you'd cleanse and purify your physical body, your auric field requires maintenance too!


How Energy Alchemy Will Transform Your Life:

Energy Alchemy: The Ultimate Guide to Energetic Hygiene is your key to unlocking a new dimension of existence.

This course is your portal to profound self-awareness, reclamation, and energetic mastery. It's for those who are tired of feeling drained, stuck, or out of sync with their true selves.

Imagine this: you wake up each day feeling fully aligned, radiating positivity, and attracting abundance effortlessly.

You set clear boundaries, confidently say "no" when needed, and maintain an aura of resilience against negativity. This isn't a distant dream; it's the reality that Energy Alchemy will help you manifest.

Alden has spent 10+ years doing these practices for herself, and it has shifted how she moves through the world. And now she wants to share them all, in depth, with you!

In this course, you'll gain a deep understanding of your auric field, learn to sense its nuances, and recognize imbalances before they disrupt your life and physical body. You'll be equipped with potent tools like crystals and guided meditations to cleanse and fortify your energy. Plus, you'll establish daily rituals that prepare you for the day ahead and ensure you rest peacefully at night. There are SOul many things to choose from in the course, you will be able to develop an energetic hygiene practice that works best for YOU and your life. 

Energy Alchemy isn't just about learning; it's about reclaiming sovereignty of your own energy, transforming your life, and aligning with your highest potential.

Get ready for a journey that will reshape your reality and open the doors to a world of infinite possibilities!

Are you ready to cleanse, heal, and elevate your energetic being? Dive into Energy Alchemy and embark on the adventure of a lifetime. This is your invitation to experience the magick that lies within and all around you.


 This course IS FOR YOU if:

  • You desire to be a clearer channel and spiritual guide for yourself and others

  • You no longer want to hang on to the dense energetic signatures of others

  • You identify as an empath and are having a hard time navigating how to balance a lot of energy at once 

  • You are aware that energy sticks to you and you don’t have a consistent practice to remove energetic debris 

  • You are a spiritual practitioner working with clients on a regular basis (a witch always needs a witch!)

What physical symptoms are you experiencing from NOT maintaining consistent, energetic hygiene?

  • Headaches

  • Nausea

  • Extreme fatigue 

  • Brain Fog

  • Physical Sensations of Heaviness & Sluggishness

  • Itchiness

  • Overwhelm & Overstimulation

If we don’t dust our house, we sneeze a lot.

If we don’t maintain our home, what happens? Things get overly cluttered and messy. So why don't we do the same for our energetic bodies? 

If you are someone who is highly impacted by other people and their energetic junk, then you want to participate in this course to clear your energy. 

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Course Curriculum

This course, Energy Alchemy: The Ultimate Guide to Energetic Hygiene is your key to unlocking a life filled with radiant energy and balance. With Alden as your facilitator, you'll embark on a journey of self-discovery and transformation.

You will have access to the course indefinitely to return to it again and again as needed, including any updates Alden’s Energy Healing makes in the future!

Here's what you'll explore in each module:

Module 1:

How to Notice When Your Energy Field is Off

  • Gain the knowledge to sense your own energy field.

  • Recognize the signs of energetic imbalances and their impact on your life.

  • Learn how to manage your energy in challenging environments.

  • BONUS MEDITATION: Sensing Your Energy Field

Module 2:

Common Problems with Energetic Hygiene

  • Dive deep into common issues like codependency & people-pleasing.

  • Discover how to set and maintain healthy boundaries.

  • Learn about the chakras and spirit gates.

  • BONUS MEDITATION: Calling Your Energy Back to You


Module 3:

BOUNDARIES in Your Life, Spirituality, and Your Energy Field

  • Master the art of setting boundaries in various aspects of your life.

  • Say "no" with confidence and grace.

  • Strengthen your auric field for enhanced protection and balance.

  • BONUS MEDITATION: Shielding Your Auric Field

Module 4:

Crystals for Energetic Hygiene

  • Explore the world of crystals, including black tourmaline, black obsidian, selenite, clear quartz, amethyst, and smokey quartz.

  • Learn how to use crystals effectively for energy cleansing and protection.

  • Charge and cleanse your crystals to keep their energy pure and potent.

  • BONUS MEDITATION: Crystal Connection


Module 5:

Daily Energetic Hygiene Rituals & Practices

  • Establish daily rituals to prepare your energy for the day and cleanse it at night.

  • Experience the transformative power of spirit gate and chakra zipping up.

  • Learn a shower energy debris cleansing ritual, Epsom salt baths, and how to create your energy cleansing spray.

  • BONUS MEDITATION: Violet flame and white light protection


BONUS: Module 6

  • Exclusive to the Energy Alchemy Course, there will be TWO healing videos for Energetic Hygiene, in the style of Alden’s Energy Healing’s YouTube videos & The Lunar Sanctuary. 

  • Video 1: A long form Energetic Hygiene Healing using the crystals recommended in module 4. To utilize for a deep, energetic cleaning and reset.

  • Video 2: A short form Energetic Hygiene Healing using some crystals discussed in module 4. To utilize as a nice morning ritual, or a quick energy tune up.

  • PLUS BOTH of the distance crystal reiki ASMR YouTube videos used to promote Energy Alchemy, one for Energetic Hygiene and one for Energy Protection, available in the Energy Alchemy portal ad-free.

(Each individual course module is valued at $222, with the bonus healings module valued at $444!

That is $1,554 USD in value just from the core curriculum!)

Additionally, all of the bonus meditations and healings will be in their OWN, quick access category within the Energy Alchemy portal for you to refer to and receive again & again on your Energetic Hygiene journey. Alden has already been using them herself while creating the course, because they are so potent!

For the bonus meditations in each module: they are 10-15 minutes long. They include Alden beaming you Reiki while she narrates the guided meditation. These practices are incredibly rejuvenating and realigning.


Listen to Ellen’s Experience with Energy Alchemy above, and why it will always come into your life at the perfect time….(unmute to listen)


course workbook

Reflect on your journey through the course and identify key takeaways with an exclusive, beautifully-made WORKBOOK PDF that has overviews & questions for each module.

Including links to crystal suggestions, energy hygiene ritual + recipes, and energy clearing products vetted by Alden’s Energy Healing.

Valued at $111 USD



A recommended BOOKSHOP Book list for Energy Alchemy, with reviews and references by Alden. A great way to supplement your learning in the course!

After purchasing the course on desktop, you’ll also have the option to access it on the Alden’s Energy Healing App for quick access on the go.

Every module comes with a bonus meditation & reiki flow, led by Alden, to put the energetic hygiene practices into action.

These bonuses are valued at $222 USD

There is a special is an integration & connection call included for those who are early bird/in the first round of Energy Alchemy: The Ultimate Guide to Energetic Hygiene. 🔮

In this live, virtual session held via Zoom, you will:

  • Be guided through a meditation led by Alden

  • Have the opportunity to connect with your fellow Energy Alchemists

  • Be able to ask your pertinent course questions in a Q & A

  • Practice integration journaling and share your responses!

Total Course value: $1,998 USD.

But I am offering it to you for $1,998 USD :

$777 USD!

That is $1,221 in savings on the value of this course!

I am offering it at $777 USD because:

777 is an angel number linked to self-discovery and personal growth. So the energetic signature of the payment is perfect for the energetic transformation & personal growth that Energy Alchemy offers!

There are also 3, 5, and 7 month payment plans available for whichever financial option is best for you! Starting at $111 USD/month!

Alden knows the path well,
because she's walked it herself.

In her early 20s, chronic health issues threatened to overshadow her dreams of a thriving acting and singing career. In her quest for healing, she discovered the incredible potential of energy work.

Alden embarked on a journey of spiritual awakening, studying with seasoned experts like Katt Lowe (Usui) for Reiki, and the Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy for Crystal Healing. She is also attuned in Holy Fire Reiki and is a fully attuned Reiki Master under the training of Lune Innate.

Your Journey to Fully Embodying your Authentic Energy BEGINS HERE


Join us on a journey

to discover your authentic energetic signature, align with your purpose, & cultivate radiant well-being.

With Alden as your guide, you'll develop the skills and practices to maintain energetic hygiene and live your most authentic life.

Don't let another day go by feeling misaligned or overwhelmed. It's time to reclaim your energy, find your balance, and thrive in the flow of life. Enroll in Energy Alchemy: The Ultimate Guide to Energetic Hygiene now, and embark on a transformative adventure that will illuminate your path to fully embody the best version of you.

Your future self – aligned & thriving – is waiting.

Will you answer the call of your most authentic heart?


Meet Your Course Facilitator & Healer:

Alden Gagnon


Alden is a certified Reiki Master, Advanced Crystal Master, and a hereditary intuitive and mystic witch. She brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to this course, with a focus on energy healing, crystal guidance, meditations, and reiki-infused healings.

Alden's Energy Healing emerged organically from her genuine desire to help others and natural intuitive gifts that she has committed her life to nurturing. What began as friends seeking her crystal healings and energetic support has blossomed into a vibrant community of transformation. Together, we honor our natural cycles, release what no longer serves us, cultivate our energetic resources, and expand into our most authentic, grounded selves.

Together, you're backed by a diverse range of skills and deep-rooted wisdom in the world of energetic transformation, ensuring you receive well-rounded and comprehensive guidance throughout this transformative journey.
