Alden’s Energy Healing, LLC ©

Communication and Membership Guidelines +

Terms, Conditions, Consent, & Release of Liability

for the lunar sanctuary, Alden’s Mystical Haven, and all other community memberships or communications in person or virtual

I am requesting the service of Alden Gagnon, a healer, of Alden’s Energy Healing LLC © for the purpose of assisting me to access my own inner resources of healing energy so that I may learn to heal myself.

  • I consent to receiving basic emails regarding payments, subscription matters, updates regarding my purchases, and class livestream links and on demand replays. My information will not be shared or sold.

  • All information I have provided in this Intake and Consent Form is accurate to the best of my knowledge.

  • I understand no guarantees or warranties are made to the effectiveness of crystal healing, and take full responsibility for my expectations of the healing process.

  • I have been explained and understand the associated risks with my practice of crystal healing, if any, and agree that it is my responsibility to seek any further information I feel I need.

  • I understand that, while certain medical options may be explained to me in the course of my healing, these explanations are in no way either a suggestion for medical treatment or any sort of prescription or medical directive, and do not constitute license.

  • I agree to pay my healer directly by PayPal/Stripe/arketa/YouTube, upon submission of this form

  • If in any of the membership forums, community chats, or livestreams I go against the community guidelines, I understand that I will be removed immediately with no refunds.

  • I release my healer, as well as any of his/her assistants or related business interests, from any and all liabilities or claims of any nature that may result my participation in crystal healing and mystical work.

  • I acknowledge that I have not been advised against pursuing such attention. My estate, heirs, administrator and executors are bound by this release also.

  • I agree to pay, whether or not my healer has forgiven or waived a charge in the past, all the non-refundable fees below without exception, as detailed in the payment section..

  • All charges made are non refundable.

  • I hereby release Alden Gagnon and Alden's Energy Healing LLC © from any and all liabilities or claims of any nature that may result from this crystal healing session, interaction with her on this platform, or from my failure to pursue medical attention or remedies for any physical ailments I may have.

  • (TLS specific) In the rare event that Alden might be unavailable to make it for a live stream (due to illness, travel, or Deus ex Machina), there will be a pre recorded video posted for a moon ritual or a guest host. In the potential case that this happens, you will be updated via the community and e-mail in advance.

  • Alden reserves the right to use my testimonials & comments given for promotional purposes.

  • Alden's Energy Healing LLC © and all parties involved are not liable for any outcome of the healings. Reiki and Crystal healing is a great tool for overall wellness but not a replacement for medical care. 

  • This is also the current subscription and/or course price, so if you are able to unsubscribe and resubscribe at a later date, the price will be higher.

  • Alden's Energy Healing LLC © and all parties involved are not liable for any outcome of the healings. Reiki and Crystal healing is a great tool for overall wellness but not a replacement for medical care. 

  • This content is not meant to be a replacement for any sort of medical care, please consult your doctor if at any time you feel like you need more guidance or assistance. I am not a doctor, and Alden’s Energy Healing LLC © is only here to help you with your spiritual and energetic hygiene + your spiritual journey.

  • Alden’s Energy Healing LLC © content on arketa including on-demand videos, livestreams, comments made beneath videos, testimonials & feedback regarding the course, the PDF workbook, meditations, visualizations, reiki healings, and all creative & intellectual material in this content is the intellectual property of Alden's Energy Healing LLC ©. 

  • Alden's Energy Healing LLC © reserves the right to use any testimonials and comments for business & marketing use. 

  • Any copy of, plagiarism, or stealing of this course content will be pursued by legal action as this course and all materials within it are protected by copyright under Alden's Energy Healing LLC ©. 

  • Alden's Energy Healing LLC © brand values: I believe in inclusivity and heart centered authenticity. I believe in reclaiming our sovereign power as divine beings. I believe that taking sacred time out of each day to tend to our souls is crucial for our mental health. I believe that we all deserve REST and abundance. I believe that sexuality is sacred. I support women’s rights, trans rights, the queer community, and civil rights. I believe that spirituality should not be gate kept by who has studied it “enough” but should be accessible and heart led for every individual. I believe we are all here to help each other on our spiritual journey. I believe the moon and the infradian rhythm of womb keepers is sacred and should be HONORED just as much if not MORE than than the circadian rhythm and the day to day “grind.” I believe we should honor our cycles and our flow. I honor other people’s values as long as their values don’t infringe on other people’s rights or harm others. I believe in ethical business practices that support sustainability of the earth. We are earth tenders and keepers. I believe in transparency, honesty, and apologizing when you’ve messed up. I believe that we need to take care of ourselves first in order to best show up in the world and help our community.

  • My vision: that energy work and spiritual self care can be woven into little bits of one’s day to day life

  • Mission: Supporting folx on their spiritual journey, giving them day to day energetic healing support, helping them remember that they are divine beings in physical bodies

  • Core pillars: honesty, discernment, authentic confidence and courageousness, unconditional love, connection to the earth and sky/rooting down to rise up, No tolerance of forms of hate (sexism, racism, transphobia, xenophobia, homophobia, religious/spiritual oppression), Channeling light and shining light into the world.

  • Alden's Energy Healing LLC © reserves the right to remove any people platform of arketa and communities therin with no refunds if they are engaging in activities that go again the above brand values within the platform. This applies especially if those activities or words promote hatred, xenophobia, transphobia, homophobia, racism, sexism, classism, fatphobia, spam, harassment, verbal/physical threats, and/or or online bullying.